Doulamee FAQ's
What exactly is a Doula?
This is a great question! A doula is a non-medical care provider who supports you, your partner, your baby, and other support team members during the prenatal, labor and postnatal stages of your journey. A doula provides evidence-based resources to you and your partner, helps navigate your “game plan,” communicates your birth preferences with your birth team, and advocates for a positive birthing experience for you and your family.
This is a great question! A doula is a non-medical care provider who supports you, your partner, your baby, and other support team members during the prenatal, labor and postnatal stages of your journey. A doula provides evidence-based resources to you and your partner, helps navigate your “game plan,” communicates your birth preferences with your birth team, and advocates for a positive birthing experience for you and your family.
What is a CLEC?
CLEC stands for certified lactation educator counselor. A CLEC is a lactation professional that supports families in their lactation journey anywhere from preconception through the weaning process and beyond.
What is the Doula Hive?
The Doula Hive a postpartum Doula collective. What does this mean and how does this work? Great question! The Doula Hive is a collective of dedicated doulas who offer support in their authentic capacities, all while placing community at the heart of our practice. We are a group of distinct individuals, coming together just as we are, to curate tailor-made support for families. Check us out and how we can support you!
How does the B.A.B.E. class differ from a hospital birthing class?
Great question! The B.A.B.E. class is a fully inclusive childbirth education class. Doulamee believes in positive birth experiences, whatever that may be for each family. Doulamee offers four different series variations, including a virtual option, making it a convenient and comfortable learning experience for everybody. B.A.B.E. does not strictly focus on “unmedicated or medicated birth” but provides a range of options and information so each family can discover their own preferences.
How do you plan to work with my partner?
My goal is to work alongside your partner to support them equally in the prenatal, labor, and postnatal stages. I strive to ensure confidence, calmness and involvement in line with your family's vision. Doulamee Support packages are designed to honor this special and transformative time in your life, and also in your relationship as new parents.
What is pediatric sleep consultant?
A pediatric sleep consultant is an expert in all things child sleep. A sleep consultant helps you create healthy sleep foundations and nurtures Individualized, evidence based sleep support for the entire family. A sleep consultant will help you identify your familial sleep goals and then help guide you in navigating success and reaching your sleep goals as a family.
What is your philosophy on birth support?
Great question! I believe in team-driven, evidence-based support during prenatal, labor, and postnatal stages of pregnancy. I believe that this is YOUR experience and one of the most important times in your life. I strive to ignite self confidence in my clients so that they are eager and able to find strength and inspiration in their birthing experience. I provide support with zero judgement and welcome all families equally.
Do I have to live in California to work with you?
No way! Believe it or not more than half of Doulamee's packages are virtual experiences. Even birth support can be done virtually if you want!
What is a B.A.B.E. Portal?
Oh, its the coolest! The B.A.B.E. Portal is a password protected online collection of evidence-based resources to support all things birth. It is a supportive web-based community where you can discover your confidence. Come explore local perks, live chat with a doula, research, and bond with others on this journey too!
Do I have to do “cry it out” if I work with you?
Absolutely not. In fact I will meet you EXACTLY where you feel most comfortable and build foundation from there. I am a full range pediatric sleep consultant and believe in Individualized, evidence based sleep support. No baby and no family are the same, and is either is their sleep support!
How can I contact you?
Thats an easy one! Email me at Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Am I safe here?
Yes. Always. Doulamee is an inclusive practice.