Lactation Support
What is a Lactation Consultant? A lactation consultant is a health professional who specializes in the clinical management of breastfeeding. Doulamee is here to support you connecting with lactation professionals nation wide.
CLEC Support Package Includes:
One 2.5 hour home visit , breastfeeding/chestfeeding education, pumping support, trouble shooting in latching difficulties, engorgement, and sore nipples. This package also includes customized back to work lactation planning, routine guidance and referrals. (CLEC’s Refer to healthcare professionals when support requires clinical assessment, need for prescription, or medical diagnosis.)
One 2.5 hour home visit , breastfeeding/chestfeeding education, pumping support, trouble shooting in latching difficulties, engorgement, and sore nipples. This package also includes customized back to work lactation planning, routine guidance and referrals. (CLEC’s Refer to healthcare professionals when support requires clinical assessment, need for prescription, or medical diagnosis.)
Breastfeeding Basics Workshop Includes:
One 2 hour workshop exploring breastfeeding from birth to back to work! You will learn the benefits of breastfeeding to mother and baby, understand how milk supply works, and the mechanics of breastfeeding. In this workshop we will explore latch and positioning and what good feeding means and if baby is getting enough milk.
One 2 hour workshop exploring breastfeeding from birth to back to work! You will learn the benefits of breastfeeding to mother and baby, understand how milk supply works, and the mechanics of breastfeeding. In this workshop we will explore latch and positioning and what good feeding means and if baby is getting enough milk.
CLEC Phone Consult Options:
Going Back to Work: 1 hour phone consult + 30 min follow up call
Managing Nighttime: 1 hour phone consult + 30 min follow up call
Custom Q & A: 1 hour phone consultant + 30 min follow up call